
AltCover.PowerShell assembly

AltCover.Commands namespace

public type description
class AddAcceleratorCommand Add one or more type abbreviations, like the built-in [xml] for System.Xml.XmlDocument.
class CompressBranchingCommand Removes compiler-generated hidden branches from OpenCover.
class ConvertFromCoverageJsonCommand Creates an OpenCover-style XML document from coverlet or AltCover JSON.
class ConvertFromNCoverCommand Converts classic NCover format and returns OpenCover format.
class ConvertToBarChartCommand Generates a simple HTML report from coverage data.
class ConvertToCoberturaCommand Creates a Cobertura format report from other report formats.
class ConvertToCoverageJsonCommand Creates a JSON format report from other report formats.
class ConvertToLcovCommand Creates an Lcov format report from other report formats.
class ConvertToNCoverCommand Converts OpenCover format to NCover format.
class ConvertToXDocumentCommand Converts [xml] to XDocument.
class ConvertToXmlDocumentCommand Converts XDocument to [xml].
class GetAcceleratorCommand List all type abbreviations, like the built-in [xml] for System.Xml.XmlDocument.
class InvokeAltCoverCommand The equivalent of the AltCover command or altcover global tool.
class MergeOpenCoverCommand Merges OpenCover reports.
enum ReportFormat Values for the Invoke-AltCover -ReportFormat option
enum ShowHidden Values for the Invoke-AltCover -ShowStatic option
enum Summary Values for the Invoke-AltCover -Summary option
class WriteOpenCoverDerivedStateCommand Fills other values based on recorded visit count numbers.