
namespace AltCover.Fake

namespace AltCover.Fake

module Trace

module Trace =
  val Create: unit -> AltCover.AltCover.LoggingOptions

Returns an instance of the core API Logging type that hooks into the Fake.Core.Trace facilities

type Implementation

type Implementation =
  | DotNetCore
  | Framework

to indicate which command-line executable from the current NuGet package to return

type Command

[<Sealed; AbstractClass>]
type Command =
  static member Collect : args:AltCover.Abstract.ICollectOptions * ?log:AltCover.AltCover.LoggingOptions -> int
  static member ImportModule : unit -> string (* returns the `Import-Module` command to use *)
  static member Prepare : args:AltCover.Abstract.IPrepareOptions * ?log:AltCover.AltCover.LoggingOptions -> int
  static member Version : unit -> System.Version
  static member ToolPath : Implementation -> string (* returns the path to the indicated tool *)

wraps the core API functions. If the optional logging argument is not given, then AltCover.Fake.Trace.Create() is assumed.

The int results are 0 for success and otherwise for failure – this would be the return code of the operation if run as a command-line function

Extension methods for type Fake.DotNet.DotNet.TestOptions (in module AltCover.Fake.DotNet)

module DotNet =
  type Fake.DotNet.DotNet.TestOptions with
    member WithAltCoverOptions: AltCover.Abstract.IPrepareOptions -> AltCover.Abstract.ICollectOptions ->
                                    AltCover.DotNet.ICLIOptions -> Fake.DotNet.DotNet.TestOptions

Adds the composed command line options to the CustomParams member of the Common member

    member WithAltCoverImportModule: unit -> Fake.DotNet.DotNet.TestOptions

Adds "/p:AltCoverImportModule=true" to the CustomParams member of the Common member

    member WithAltCoverGetVersion: unit -> Fake.DotNet.DotNet.TestOptions

Adds "/p:AltCoverGetVersion=true" to the CustomParams member of the Common member