
namespace AltCoverFake.DotNet.Testing

namespace AltCoverFake.DotNet.Testing

module DotNet

module DotNet = begin
  type ICLIOptions =
    abstract member ForceDelete : bool with get
    abstract member FailFast : bool with get
    abstract member ShowSummary : System.String with get

  type CLIOptions =
    | Force of bool
    | Fail of bool
    | Summary of System.String
    | Many of seq<CLIOptions>
    | Abstract of ICLIOptions
      interface ICLIOptions
      member FailFast : bool
      member ForceDelete : bool
      member ShowSummary : System.String

Union type defining general command line arguments for dotnet test use.


Composing the whole command line

``` val ImportModuleProperties : (string*string) list

val GetVersionProperties : (string*string) list
val ToTestPropertiesList :
  prepare:Abstract.IPrepareOptions ->
    collect:Abstract.ICollectOptions -> options:ICLIOptions -> (string*string) list

module Options