
TypeSafe.CollectOptions class

Command line options for AltCover Runner

public sealed class CollectOptions : IEquatable<CollectOptions>, IStructuralEquatable

Public Members

name description
static Create() Returns an instance with all fields empty save ExposeReturnCode being Set
Cobertura { get; } Corresponds to command line option -c, --cobertura=VALUE
CommandLine { get; } Corresponds to the command line arguments for the executable, given after a --
Executable { get; } Corresponds to command line option -x, --executable=VALUE
ExposeReturnCode { get; } Corresponds to the converse of command line option --dropReturnCode
LcovReport { get; } Corresponds to command line option -l, --lcovReport=VALUE
OutputFile { get; } Corresponds to command line option -o, --outputFile=VALUE
RecorderDirectory { get; } Corresponds to command line option -r, --recorderDirectory=VALUE
SummaryFormat { get; } Corresponds to command line option --teamcity[=VALUE]
Threshold { get; } Corresponds to command line option -t, --threshold=VALUE
Verbosity { get; } Corresponds to command line options -q and --verbose
WorkingDirectory { get; } Corresponds to command line option -w, --workingDirectory=VALUE

See Also