
Primitive.PrepareOptions class

Command line options for AltCover

public sealed class PrepareOptions : IEquatable<PrepareOptions>, IStructuralEquatable

Public Members

name description
static Create() Returns an instance with all fields empty that has all empty or false fields except ExposeReturnCode, OpenCover, InPlace and Save are true, and ShowStatic is -
AssemblyExcludeFilter { get; } Corresponds to command line option -e, --assemblyExcludeFilter=VALUE
AssemblyFilter { get; } Corresponds to command line option -s, --assemblyFilter=VALUE
AttributeFilter { get; } Corresponds to command line option -a, --attributeFilter=VALUE
AttributeTopLevel { get; } Corresponds to command line option --attributetoplevel=VALUE
BranchCover { get; } Corresponds to command line option --branchcover
CallContext { get; } Corresponds to command line option -c, --callContext=VALUE
CommandLine { get; } Corresponds to the command line to run, given after a --
Defer { get; } Corresponds to command line option --defer
Dependencies { get; } Corresponds to command line option -d, --dependency=VALUE
ExposeReturnCode { get; } Corresponds to the converse of command line option --dropReturnCode
FileFilter { get; } Corresponds to command line option -f, --fileFilter=VALUE
InPlace { get; } Corresponds to command line option --inplace
InputDirectories { get; } Corresponds to command line option -i, --inputDirectory=VALUE
Keys { get; } Corresponds to command line option -k, --key=VALUE
LineCover { get; } Corresponds to command line option --linecover
LocalSource { get; } Corresponds to command line option -l, --localSource
MethodFilter { get; } Corresponds to command line option -m, --methodFilter=VALUE
MethodPoint { get; } Corresponds to command line option --methodpoint
MethodTopLevel { get; } Corresponds to command line option --methodtoplevel=VALUE
OutputDirectories { get; } Corresponds to command line option -o, --outputDirectory=VALUE
OutputRoot { get; } Corresponds to dotnet test option /p:AltCoverOutputRoot
PathFilter { get; } Corresponds to command line option -p, --pathFilter=VALUE
Portable { get; } Corresponds to command line option --portable
Report { get; } Corresponds to command line option -r, --report=VALUE
ReportFormat { get; } Corresponds to command line option --reportFormat=VALUE
Save { get; } Corresponds to command line option --save
ShowGenerated { get; } Corresponds to command line option --showGenerated
ShowStatic { get; } Corresponds to command line option --showstatic[=VALUE]
SingleVisit { get; } Corresponds to command line option --single
SourceLink { get; } Corresponds to command line option --sourcelink
StrongNameKey { get; } Corresponds to command line option --sn, --strongNameKey=VALUE
SymbolDirectories { get; } Corresponds to command line option -y, --symbolDirectory=VALUE
Trivia { get; } Corresponds to command line option --trivia
TypeFilter { get; } Corresponds to command line option -t, --typeFilter=VALUE
TypeTopLevel { get; } Corresponds to command line option --typetoplevel=VALUE
Verbosity { get; } Corresponds to command line options -q and --verbose
VisibleBranches { get; } Corresponds to command line option -v, --visibleBranches
ZipFile { get; } Corresponds to command line option --zipfile

See Also