
PrepareOptions class

Preparation stage options; override defaults as required

public class PrepareOptions

Public Members

name description
PrepareOptions() The default constructor.
virtual AssemblyExcludeFilter { get; } Corresponds to command line option -e, --assemblyExcludeFilter=VALUE
virtual AssemblyFilter { get; } Corresponds to command line option -s, --assemblyFilter=VALUE
virtual AttributeFilter { get; } Corresponds to command line option -a, --attributeFilter=VALUE
virtual AttributeTopLevel { get; } Corresponds to command line option --attributetoplevel=VALUE
virtual BranchCover { get; } Corresponds to command line option --branchcover
virtual CallContext { get; } Corresponds to command line option -c, --callContext=VALUE
CommandLine { get; } Gets the command line (overridden by the MSBuild integration)
Defer { get; } Gets whether to defer coverage reporting (overridden by the MSBuild integration)
virtual Dependencies { get; } Corresponds to command line option -d, --dependency=VALUE
ExposeReturnCode { get; } Gets whether to expose a program return code (overridden by the MSBuild integration)
virtual FileFilter { get; } Corresponds to command line option -f, --fileFilter=VALUE
virtual InPlace { get; } Corresponds to command line option --inplace
InputDirectories { get; } Gets the input directories (overridden by the MSBuild integration)
virtual Keys { get; } Corresponds to command line option -k, --key=VALUE
virtual LineCover { get; } Corresponds to command line option --linecover
virtual LocalSource { get; } Corresponds to command line option -l, --localSource
virtual MethodFilter { get; } Corresponds to command line option -m, --methodFilter=VALUE
virtual MethodPoint { get; } Corresponds to command line option --methodpoint
virtual MethodTopLevel { get; } Corresponds to command line option --methodtoplevel=VALUE
OutputDirectories { get; } Gets the output directories (overridden by the MSBuild integration)
virtual OutputRoot { get; } Corresponds to dotnet test option /p:AltCoverOutputRoot
virtual PathFilter { get; } Corresponds to command line option -p, --pathFilter=VALUE
virtual Portable { get; } Corresponds to command line option --portable
virtual Report { get; } Gets or sets the value that corresponds to command line option -r, --report=VALUE
virtual ReportFormat { get; } Corresponds to command line option --reportFormat=VALUE
virtual Save { get; } Corresponds to command line option --save
virtual ShowGenerated { get; } Corresponds to command line option --showGenerated
virtual ShowStatic { get; } Corresponds to command line option --showstatic[=VALUE]
virtual SingleVisit { get; } Corresponds to command line option --single
virtual SourceLink { get; } Corresponds to command line option --sourcelink
virtual StrongNameKey { get; } Corresponds to command line option --sn, --strongNameKey=VALUE
virtual SymbolDirectories { get; } Corresponds to command line option -y, --symbolDirectory=VALUE
virtual Trivia { get; } Corresponds to command line option --trivia
virtual TypeFilter { get; } Corresponds to command line option -t, --typeFilter=VALUE
virtual TypeTopLevel { get; } Corresponds to command line option --typetoplevel=VALUE
virtual Verbosity { get; } Corresponds to command line option -q
virtual VisibleBranches { get; } Corresponds to command line option -v, --visibleBranches
virtual ZipFile { get; } Corresponds to command line option --zipfile

See Also